Friday, 1 April 2016

Welcome Quadblogging Buddies to T3R

T3R is the short  name for Team 3 Red.  We are a group of 40 Year 2-3 students.  Our teachers names are Miss Taylor and Mrs Newcombe and sometimes Mrs Ellis and Mr Nicol.  We are also lucky enough to have Isobel, Mrs Boniface and Mrs Martin to help us at different times during the day.  We all go to Lincoln Primary School which is approximately 30 minutes from Christchurch City and have around 500 students from Years 1-8.
T3R is a awesome place to learn because we:

  • Have Let me Think - a programme to help us develop our thinking.
  • Are kete (bucket)fillers 
  • Use SOLO to help our learning
  • Have our Lincoln School HEROES and Powers
  • Have lots of learning challenges
  • Do lots of art
  • Have DEAR (Drop Everything And Read)
  • Do sport with Year 13's from Lincoln High School ( They are right next door)
  • Having lots of different sporting opportunities
  • Have Enrichment Day on a Friday.  We are able to choose different activities like dance, mandarin, jump jam, choir, coding and chess.
  • Are a Bronze Enviroschool and are working towards Silver
  • Have school houses called Rimu, Kowhai, Matai and Totara.
  • Have 2 pools to practice our swimming skills in.


  1. Wow Lincoln Primary looks like a great place to learn. Ponsonby Primary School children in Room 6 thinks your school is awesome. We love your school HEROES and POWERS... we have a Pegasus Flier as our school Motto. We look forward to posting comments on your blog soon. Keep Blogging WE LOVE seeing your learning. From Miss Williamson and Room 6.

  2. Hi T3R, your school is cool. We have a class in our school named Kowhai. We don't have a pool at our school. Thats cool that you have two pools. What do you do with your pools during the winter? We are an Enviro School too. We are looking forward to posting more comments on your blog! From Kaimanawas at Waiouru School

  3. I like to taking a photo.And I like to play hockey.And oalso I like to play turboch touch.
