Home News

Hi Everyone,

Welcome back to Term 3, we hope you had an exciting as well as restful break and we are looking forward to an interesting term. This week the children have been introduced to the concept that 'People are driven to create, construct and investigate'. All of these things lead to change and our big question is 'does change make things better?' We shared with the children some of our favourite objects and what they were like in the past, we have also considered what they will be like in the future. This week we will be running some workshops around key skills that they will need in order to investigate their own favourite object in depth. These workshops include identifying keywords, scanning and note taking, summarising and writing simple reports. Towards the end of the week we will be asking your child choose a favourite object. During class time we will be looking at the changes it has undertaken as well as asking them what it might be like in the future and to justify their answers. To help them you might like to talk to them about what object they would like to choose - please don't go into too much depth about their object as we will be asking them to use their new skills to research and present their findings during class time.

Thank you for your support!

Lara, Mandy and Jane

Dear Friends and Whanau,

On Thursday, 9th of June, Syndicate One and Two will have their annual Cross Country at Lincoln Domain.

Attached is a schedule of the estimated times for year groups that will be running. Due to the number of students running, the students lunch break will begin earlier so we’re able to run through all the groups and get back to school by 3:00. We’re planning on arriving at the course at 12:50 to give children a chance to get warmed up for the first race and talk through our expectations with the children.

There is some seating for parents at the rugby clubrooms which will be close to the start and finish lines. Students will be seated on the other side of the course so they’re together for warmups and ready for their race.

Due to the possibility of wet fields we’re encouraging all students to bring house colours to run, which they will get changed into before walking down to the Domain after lunch. Warm layers will need to be worn before and after running. Please ensure they are clearly named as they will be removed to compete.

Teachers will be walking all children back to school after the races where they can be collected.

Teachers will be taking children for practise runs around the Lincoln Domain on Tuesday afternoons, (1:30) on the 31st May and 7th June so they’re all aware of the course and know where to run.
We would love support for these times walking from school to the Domain and back to Lincoln Primary to ensure all children stay safe.
If you can support with this please let your child’s teacher know.

Term 2 Week 4

Next Week (week 4) the children will be writing about a story that has been shared about themselves or people in their family. For example I can still remember the day that my daughter at age 4 decorated her room with an entire container of baby powder. It took me weeks to get it completely vacuumed up!! Could you please talk with your child about a story that you or they remember. We will be asking the children to write these as narratives so the final piece of writing may be a little embellished!! We think these stories are an important part of our families oral history. We are looking forward to hearing and reading your children stories.

Week 6 - Family News

This week for writing we will be working on some short writing activities. Our first writing task is called 'Family News'. The children will be given the opportunity to write about something that is happening in their life, it may be a family birthday, a trip or holiday (that they have had or are looking forward to), a special visitor, an activity, a tooth falling out or a new addition to the family (a new baby or pet). We will be completing this writing at school however in preparation for it you could ask your child:
What special family news would they like to write about?
Who is this news about?
When did it happen?
Where did it happen?
Why is this special family news?
How do they feel about it?

Week 5 -  Monday 29 February

The Best Part of Me

This week in T3R we will be writing descriptions about a part of our body that we think is our best part. We would love it if you could have a discussion with your child about a part of their body that they think is the best part. It could be their eyes, hair, nose, elbow, knees, legs, lips etc. The children will be describing this body part in detail and explaining why they believe this is 'The Best Part of Me'.

Thank you for discussing this writing with your child.

Week 3

This week we are going to be doing a lot of talking about ourselves and what makes us special and unique. In week 1 we sent home mini posters about ourselves, this week we would like you to create your own mini poster using ours as a model. We would like you to draw a picture or include a photo, tell us your favourite things (e.g colour, food, sport, animal) and a little about your family. We would love it if you could bring these to school next Monday (22nd February).


  1. hope you have a great time doing this.

    your friend Teagan:)

  2. I like your witiing Emily
