Sunday, 8 May 2016

Pizza Fractions

This week we have been talking about fractions. We have been learning about the parts of fractions. The denominator is the bottom number, it tells us how many pieces make up the whole. The numerator is the top number in the fraction and tells us how many pieces there are - it counts the number of pieces. On Friday we had fun making and cutting up pizza to show 1 whole, half, quarter and eighths. We had even more fun eating the pizza!! Yum!


  1. Hello T3R
    We like how you divided the pizzas into fractions. What else did you learn about fractions?
    from Room 9
    Vardon School

    1. We have been connecting our fractions learning to 1/2 turns and 1/4 turns. We have also been learning about equivalent fractions. T3R
