Thursday, 22 September 2016

Into The Future

Today T3R went into the future.  They designed and built a device that they thought would be found in a school of the future.  Ideas ranged from automatic pencils to dimension portals that could transport you through time.  Imagine being able to visit Ancient Egypt or see the building of the Great Wall of China. Here is the brief given to T3R... We will update this post with after photos at the end of the day.

Putting our plans into action

The Finished Product

Friday, 16 September 2016

Kapahaka Performance

On Thursday 15 September a number of students in T3R were part of our Junior Kapahaka Performance.  They did themselves and Lincoln Primary School proud.

We Finished!!!

Our collaborative artwork for the Spring Fair is finally finished!!!

Monday, 12 September 2016

Let Me Think!

Today we worked on a page in the instrument 'Identifying Emotions' - we had different ideas but could back up our thinking with justifications that included accurate and precise language. We had some great discussions about our thinking.

Collaborative Spring Fair Art

We are working hard on finishing our artwork for the spring fair.

All About Uniforms

Over the last few weeks many learning spaces have been writing persuasive arguments. Last week some students from Syndicate 3 came to ask us what we thought about wearing a uniform to school. This morning they shared with us their results and their persuasive argument for not having a school uniform. This then started a class discussion about uniforms and the new uniforms at Lincoln High School.  What do you think, should we wear a uniform to school or not?

Literacy Resources

Here are some of the stunning resources being used in Literacy this week. We hope they will inspire our budding readers and writers.  We will try and add more as the week continues so you can talk to your child about which ones they are using and what learning they are doing with them.

Friday, 9 September 2016

Ask Me About...

Learning with each other - T3R and T3G collaborating together
Pets day art - collage
Reading and writing poems
Persuasive writing - Life is easier today than it was in the past
Finishing our create projects
Kids for Kids Performance
Making iMovies about Lincoln
Syndicate 3 moved into their new space
Sketching art
Goal reflections
Whanau Hui

Tuesday, 6 September 2016

Mahoe Reserve Visit - 01 September 2016

Some of the students in T3R were lucky enough to join some students from Lincoln High and Sue from Environment Canterbury to complete a scavenger hunt and tree planting at Mahoe Reserve.

Monday, 5 September 2016

Friday, 2 September 2016

Year 3 Kids for Kids Choir

Today the Year 3 Kids for Kids choir led by Mrs Newcombe sang 'Slice of Heaven' at Whanau Hui time.

Collaborative Artwork for the Fair

We have started our collaborative artwork for the fair. We can't wait to see what it looks like when it is finished:)

Super Stars!!

Ask Me About Week 6

  • Walk around Lincoln
  • Mahoe Reserve
  • Team 3 Enrichment 
  • Fractions and Decimals
  • Pet's Day Art
  • Green Screen-The Town
  • Let's Create - A Better Mousetrap
  • Creating a project from our reports on our Favourite Thing