Wednesday, 9 November 2016

Bugs, Bugs, and more Bugs

Today we have been learning about Bio Diversity with Mr Nicol.   Mr Nicol brought in some bugs from the University and we got to choose 2 of the bugs to draw.  We had find 4 similarities and 4 differences between them.  We thought the bugs were cool but kind of creepy.

By Georgia, Amelia and Sienna

Monday, 7 November 2016

Making Vertical Gardens

As part of our Maths Inquiry T3R are designing and building a series of vertical gardens out of pallets. If you are able to help us when we get to our building and planting stage we would love to hear from you.  We would also like to hear from you if you have some old wood or containers that might be suitable for our gardens lying around the shed or garage.

Monday, 31 October 2016

Writing Motivation

In T3R we have been using this picture as our motivation for writing.  We are very proud of the writing we produced.

Sunday, 23 October 2016

MADE Awards

In an update from our last post about the MADE Awards... Our efforts have been judged and are all in the top 5 entries for our categories and age group..  Winners will be announced at the Awards Ceremony in Tauranga on November 11.  We will keep our fingers and toes crossed and let you know how we got on as soon as results come to hand.

Tuesday, 18 October 2016

We are the Same but Different!

Today in class we have been identifying similarities and differences. This was the captivation to lead into our Inquiry topic of Diversity. We began with eggs and compared the differences and similarities before breaking them open.

Friday, 14 October 2016

Towel Teddies

We had great fun today in T3R and Team 3 Green making Teddies out of flannels.


Well done to these students for a fantastic start to Term 4